Sunday, March 20, 2011

Evaluation Planning for Action

In our district, we run on a nine week schedule, which consists of four quarters that make up our school year. If we are going to provide the professional development needed in order to make sure all staff is following the required technology TEKS and integrating technology into the curriculum, there must be some sort of evaluation process in order to measure our success as a campus.

As part of evaluating the action plan, we could create surveys through Survey Monkey that would be administered to teachers on campus every nine weeks. This survey will be used to monitor the teachers and campus' progress. Also instead of just administrators being the people that observe teachers and their use of technology, our campus facilitator and campus instructional technologist can administer walkthroughs as well to observe teachers and their progress with integrating technology into curriculum and instruction.

Overall the principal's observation reports, campus instructional technologist's observation reports, the teacher's surveys that are given each nine weeks, and surveys to students and parents at the end of the year can be used to evaluate the trends of technology use on campus and with teachers. All of these evaluations will be used to determine the campus' successes and failures in the integration of technology with organizational and instructional leadership. This will all be done at the end of the year, therefore making administrators and staff aware of changes that need to be made for the following year. With these evaluations, professional development changes can be made, trainings can be administered for specific areas, and the proper resources can be made available for staff in time for the upcoming school year. Changes are always needed for a campus to become better and the only way to move forward is to work together and share the same visions. Administrators are the leaders and are responsible for making sure that their campus follows all TEKS, analyzes all the data, and makes changes necessary for their campus in order to be successful.

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